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Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 29(2): 74-80, abr./jun. 2022. il.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1399545


As doenças de notificação obrigatória em bovinos podem gerar impactos sociais e econômicos significativos na cadeia pecuária brasileira, além de consequências negativas no mercado internacional devido a embargos sanitários. Para auxiliar no entendimento de como um sistema de vigilância epidemiológica com mais recursos pode gerar mais credibilidade para o país, foram realizadas análises de correlação entre a notificação de doenças e a estrutura veterinária disponível nos Órgãos Executores de Sanidade Agropecuária (OESAs), a partir dos dados contidos no Sistema Nacional de Informação Zoossanitária (SIZ), entre os anos de 2017 e 2019. Com base nos dados do serviço veterinário, foram produzidos o Índice de Estrutura Física Oficial (IEFO) e o Índice de Recursos Humanos do Serviço Oficial (IRHSO). Foi realizada análise de correlação entre a notificação de doenças de bovinos com a capacidade de estrutura física e recursos humanos de vigilância epidemiológica disponíveis no Serviço Veterinário brasileiro. Os estados AP, RR e SC foram os que mais notificaram brucelose e tuberculose no período e estão entre os melhores índices de estrutura e recursos humanos do país. A análise dos índices mostrou que a raiva não possui correlação significativa com estrutura e recursos humanos do serviço, entretanto, brucelose e tuberculose possuem correlação positiva com estrutura veterinária oficial disponível para a vigilância em bovinos. Portanto, melhorias na estrutura podem refletir no incremento dos índices de notificação das doenças de bovinos, assim como na qualidade de suas informações.

Notifiable diseases in cattle can generate significant social and economic impacts on the Brazilian livestock chain, in addition to impacts on the international market due to sanitary embargoes. To help understand how an epidemiological surveillance system with more resources can generate more credibility for the country, correlation analyzes were carried out between the notification of diseases and the veterinary structure available in the Executing Bodies of Agricultural Health (OESAs), based on the data contained in the National System of Zoosanitary Information (SIZ), between the years 2017 to 2019. Based on public data from the veterinary service, the Official Physical Structure Index (IEFO) and the Official Service Human Resources Index (IRHSO) were produced. Correlation analysis was performed between the notification of bovine diseases with the capacity of physical structure and human resources for epidemiological surveillance available in the Brazilian Veterinary Service. AP, RR and SC were the states that most notified brucellosis and tuberculosis in the period and are among the best indices of structure and human resources in the country. The analysis of correlation indices showed that the rabies disease does not have a significant correlation with the structure and the human resources of the service, however, brucellosis and tuberculosis does have a positive correlation with the official veterinary structure available for surveillance in cattle. Therefore, Improvements in the structure can reflect in the increase of the notification rates, as well as in the quality of its information.

Animals , Cattle , Structure of Services , Cattle Diseases/epidemiology , Disease Notification/statistics & numerical data , Epidemiological Monitoring/veterinary , Health Resources/statistics & numerical data , Rabies/epidemiology , Tuberculosis, Bovine/epidemiology , Brucellosis, Bovine/epidemiology
Porto Alegre; s.n; 2022. 142 f p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1434889


O fenômeno da violência é multicausal, complexo e possui relação com determinantes sociais e econômicos, sendo indiscutível o impacto da violência sobre a saúde das crianças e adolescentes. Objetivo: analisar as notificações de violência interpessoal e autoprovocada em crianças e adolescentes registradas no Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (SINAN) de Caxias do Sul, de 2015 a 2020, tendo em vista a qualidade do preenchimento da ficha de notificação e o perfil das notificações de violência. Metodologia: foi realizado estudo quantitativo, observacional, do tipo descritivo e ecológico o qual utilizou como fonte o banco de dados do SINAN (notificações de violência interpessoal e autoprovocada em crianças e adolescentes de 0 a 19 anos do município de Caxias do Sul/RS), no período de 2015 a 2020 fornecido pelo Centro Estadual de Vigilância em Saúde (CEVS) do Rio Grande do Sul (RS). O projeto possui a aprovação do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa. Resultados: foram registradas no período 5.675 notificações de violência interpessoal e autoprovocada na faixa etária de 0 a 19 anos em Caxias do Sul. Perfil das notificações: 95% de residentes de Caxias do Sul; o nível secundário realizou maior proporção de notificações; 61,4% na faixa etária de 0 a 9 anos, o que difere do padrão nacional e estadual; 57,60% do sexo feminino; 80% de pessoas autodeclaradas como raça/cor branca, 11,5% parda e 4,2% preta; 64,20% dos casos ocorreram nas residências; 14,40% foram lesões autoprovocadas, com aumento de 279% em 2019 se comparado a 2015; quanto ao tipo de violência, 59,07% negligência/abandono, 11,54% violência sexual e 11,40% violência física; aumento de 14% no número de notificações de 2019 para 2020. Avaliação da completude: 76,71% boa, 9,5% excelente, 6,85% regular, 4,11% ruim e 2,74% muito ruim. Considerações: identificou-se a necessidade de melhorar a qualidade do preenchimento dos campos motivação da violência, suspeita de uso de álcool por parte do provável autor da violência, identidade de gênero, ocorreu outras vezes, ciclo de vida do provável autor da violência, escolaridade, situação conjugal, orientação sexual, deficiência ou transtorno e local da ocorrência. Apresenta-se a proposição de estratégias para melhorar a notificação de violência interpessoal e autoprovocada em crianças e adolescentes quanti e qualitativamente, com o intuito de promover o aprimoramento da vigilância em Saúde na Atenção Primária. Além de estratégias de identificação, monitoramento e atendimento dos casos suspeitos e/ou confirmados de violência interpessoal e autoprovocada através de atividades intersetoriais.

The phenomenon of violence is multicausal, complex and related to social and economic determinants, and the impact of violence on the health of children and adolescents is indisputable. Objective: to analyze the notifications of interpersonal and self-inflicted violence in children and adolescents registered in the Information System of Notifiable Diseases (SINAN) of Caxias do Sul, from 2015 to 2020, in view of the quality of filling out the notification form and the profile of reports of violence. Methodology: a quantitative, observational, descriptive and ecological study was carried out, using the SINAN database as a source (notifications of interpersonal and self-inflicted violence in children and adolescents aged 0 to 19 years in the city of Caxias do Sul/RS) , in the period from 2015 to 2020 provided by the State Center for Health Surveillance (CEVS) of Rio Grande do Sul (RS). The project has the approval of the Research Ethics Committee. Results: 5.675 reports of interpersonal and self-inflicted violence were recorded in the age group from 0 to 19 years in Caxias do Sul. Profile of notifications: 95% of residents of Caxias do Sul; the secondary level had a higher proportion of notifications; 61.4% in the age group from 0 to 9 years old, which differs from the national and state standard; 57.60% female; 80% of people self-declared as white, 11.5% brown and 4.2% black; 64.20% of the cases occurred in homes; 14.40% were self-inflicted, with an increase of 279% in 2019 compared to 2015; regarding the type of violence, 59.07% neglect/abandonment, 11.54% sexual violence and 11.40% physical violence; 14% increase in the number of notifications from 2019 to 2020. Completeness rating: 76.71% good, 9.5% excellent, 6.85% regular, 4.11% bad and 2.74% very bad. Considerations: it was identified the need to improve the quality of filling in the fields motivation of violence, suspicion of alcohol use by the probable perpetrator of the violence, gender identity, occurred at other times, life cycle of the probable perpetrator of the violence, education, situation marital status, sexual orientation, disability or disorder and place of occurrence. Strategies are proposed to improve the reporting of interpersonal and self-inflicted violence in children and adolescents quantitatively and qualitatively, with the aim of promoting the improvement of health surveillance in Primary Care. In addition to strategies for identifying, monitoring and treating suspected and/or confirmed cases of interpersonal and self-inflicted violence through intersectoral activities.

Family Health
Saude e pesqui. (Impr.) ; 14(3)jul-set 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1343838


Objetivou-se detectar aglomerados espaciais e espaço-temporais de tuberculose em município do nordeste brasileiro prioritário para o controle da doença. Trata-se de um estudo ecológico, no qual foram considerados os casos novos de tuberculose ocorridos em Imperatriz (MA), entre 2009 e 2018, coletados juntos ao Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação. Utilizou-se da técnica de estatística de varredura para a detecção dos aglomerados espaciais e espaço-temporais dos casos. Foram identificados três aglomerados espaciais de alto risco relativo (RR): aglomerado 1 (RR=2,10), aglomerado 2 (RR= 2,20) e aglomerado 3 (RR=2,70). A análise espaço-temporal evidenciou dois aglomerados de alto risco relativo, o aglomerado 1 (RR=2,80) que ocorreu entre 01/01/2009 a 31/12/2013 e o aglomerado 2 (RR= 3,40) com ocorrência entre 01/01/2009 a 31/12/2010. Tais achados apontam para a necessidade da elaboração de estratégias para o combate e controle nas áreas de risco, considerando as evidentes desigualdades socioespaciais presentes no município sob investigação.

The objective was to detect spatial and spatiotemporal clusters of tuberculosis in a municipality in northeastern Brazil that is a priority for disease control. This is an ecological study, in which new cases of tuberculosis that occurred in Imperatriz (MA), between 2009 and 2018, were collected from the Notifiable Diseases Information System. Scanning statistics was used to detect the spatial and spatiotemporal clusters of the cases. Three spatial clusters of high relative risk (RR) were identified: cluster 1 (RR = 2.10), cluster 2 (RR = 2.20) and cluster 3 (RR = 2.70). The spatiotemporal analysis showed two spatiotemporal clusters of high relative risk, cluster 1 (RR = 2.80) that occurred between 01/01/2009 and 12/31/2013 and cluster 2 (RR = 3.40) occurring between 01/01/2009 and 12/31/2010. Such findings point to the need to elaborate procedures for combating and controlling risk areas, considering the evident socio-spatial inequalities present in the municipality under investigation.

Rev. Bras. Saúde Mater. Infant. (Online) ; 19(4): 865-872, Sept.-Dec. 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1057121


Abstract Objectives: to assess the epidemiological profile of congenital and syphilis during pregnancy in residents of São José do Rio Preto in São Paulo State. Methods: ecological study of the epidemiological profile of patients with congenital and gestational syphilis, based on the Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (Information System for Notifiable Diseases) from 2007 to 2016. Results: there were 396 cases of syphilis reported in pregnant women and 290 of congenital syphilis. In 2016, the rate of detecting syphilis in pregnant women was 13.2 cases/1,000 live births, while congenital syphilis the incidence rate was 6.5 cases/1,000 live births. For gestational syphilis, 54% of the diagnosis was performed in 2nd or 3rd trimester and 85% were reported at the primary care. Adequate treatment for pregnant women occurred in 96% of the notifications with 52% of partners treated. In congenital syphilis, 82% of the mothers underwent prenatal care. However, 94% of the pregnant women were treated inadequately while 82% of the partners did not receive any treatment. Conclusions: there has been an increase in the number of cases of gestational syphilis in pregnant women and a decrease in the cases of congenital syphilis from 2014. These results showed that the goal of 0.5 case/1,000 live births proposed by World Health Organization is still far from being achieved in this city.

Resumo Objetivos: conhecer o perfil epidemiológico da sífilis congênita e em gestantes nos residentes de São José do Rio Preto/SP. Métodos: estudo ecológico do perfil epidemiológico dos pacientes com sífilis congênita e gestacional, a partir de dados coletados no Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação entre 2007 e 2016. Resultados: foram notificados 396 casos de sífilis em gestantes e 290 de sífilis congênita. Em 2016, a taxa de detecção da sífilis em gestantes foi 13,2 casos/1.000 nascidos vivos, enquanto a sífilis congênita, a taxa de incidência foi 6,5 casos/1.000 nascidos vivos. Para sífilis gestacional, 54% do diagnóstico foram realizados no 2° ou 3° trimestre e 85% notificadas na atenção primária. O tratamento adequado das gestantes ocorreu em 97% das notificações, com 52% dos parceiros tratados. Na sífilis congênita, 82% das mães realizaram o pré-natal, entretanto, 94% das gestantes foram tratadas inadequadamente e 82% dos parceiros não realizaram o tratamento. Conclusões: foi observado o aumento no número de casos de sífilis em gestantes e uma queda dos casos de sífilis congênita a partir de 2014. Com esses resultados, é notório que a meta de 0,5 caso/1.000 nascidos vivos proposta pela Organização Mundial da Saúde ainda está distante de ser alcançada no município.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Syphilis, Congenital/epidemiology , Health Profile , Syphilis/epidemiology , Disease Notification , Primary Health Care , Brazil/epidemiology , Infectious Disease Transmission, Vertical , Pregnant Women , Ecological Studies , Epidemiological Monitoring , Health Information Systems/statistics & numerical data
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 52: e20180226, 2019. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1041509


Abstract INTRODUCTION: This paper analyzed sociodemographic and epidemiological data of individuals with syphilis as well as the compulsory reporting of the disease, for being a reemerging disease in Brazil. METHODS: General information and sociodemographic, epidemiological, clinical, and laboratory data were verified in compulsory reporting. RESULTS: From 2010 to 2016, 157 reporting forms were explored. Acquired and gestational syphilis occurred predominantly in those 20 to 29 years of age and those who did not complete secondary education. Compulsory reporting forms were not complete. CONCLUSIONS: The number of syphilis cases has varied over the years in the city. Incomplete compulsory reporting was noted.

Humans , Male , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Syphilis/epidemiology , Disease Notification , Communicable Diseases, Emerging/epidemiology , Pregnancy Complications, Infectious/epidemiology , Socioeconomic Factors , Syphilis, Congenital/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Risk Factors
Rev. bras. saúde ocup ; 41: e8, 2016.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-959269


Resumo Objetivo: este estudo analisa os elementos que influenciam a subnotificação do agravo LER/DORT no Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (Sinan) a partir da percepção dos profissionais que atuam na Rede de Serviços Sentinela em Saúde do Trabalhador na cidade de Palmas (TO). Método: pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, realizada com 21 profissionais de saúde que atendem pacientes com possíveis diagnósticos de LER/DORT ou que realizam a notificação desse agravo nas unidades sentinelas em saúde do trabalhador. Os dados foram coletados entre setembro e novembro de 2011 por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas e analisados a partir da análise de conteúdo de Bardin. Resultados: entre os principais fatores relacionados à subnotificação das LER/DORT em Palmas, destacaram-se nos relatos dos participantes as dúvidas apresentadas pelos profissionais na identificação do agravo, as indefinições e desconhecimento do papel de cada profissional na identificação e notificação do agravo, a insuficiência do trabalho em equipe e a desvalorização da notificação por parte de alguns profissionais, associada ao desconhecimento da finalidade desses dados. Conclusões: essa situação assinala para a necessidade de qualificação dos profissionais em um processo de formação continuada, de modo a fomentar o trabalho em equipe que incorpore tanto discussões sobre as LER/DORT quanto em relação à importância da notificação no banco de dados do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS).

Abstract Objective: to analyze the elements that influence underreporting of repetitive strain injuries/work-related musculoskeletal disorders (RSI/WMSDs) at the Brazilian notifiable diseases information system (SINAN), from the perspective of the healthcare workers from the Occupational Health Sentinel Service Network. Method: qualitative research with 21 healthcare workers who looked after patients with possible diagnosis of RSI/WMSD or who notified these diseases at the sentinel units in the city of Palmas (TO), Brazil. Data were collected from September to November 2011 through semi-structured interviews and analysed using Bardin's content analysis. Results: Among the main factors related to RSI/WMSDs underreporting in Palmas, the following are emphasized by the participants: the professionals' hesitation in identifying the injury; the lack of definition or knowledge regarding the role of each professional in identifying and reporting the injury; the insufficient team work; the way some healthcare workers undervalue notifications coupled with their unfamiliarity regarding the data purpose. Conclusions: this situation points towards the need for continuously training healthcare workers in a way to foster teamwork that includes discussions on both RSI/WMSDs and the importance of notifying them to the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS) database.

Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 194-198, 2015.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-240128


Objective To learn the characteristics of morbidity and mortality of notifiable diseases reported in China in 2013.Methods Descriptive analysis method was used to analyze the morbidity and mortality of notifiable diseases in China in 2013,with Microsoft Excel 2010 and ArcGIS 10.0 used to develop statistical charts.Results In 2013,the morbidity of the nationwide notifiable diseases was 473.87/100 000,a decrease of 3% below the average of the recent 3 years,while the mortality was 1.23/100 000,an increase of 2% over the average of the recent 3 years.The rate of laboratory diagnosis of the reported cases was 38.4%.Top 5 diseases of the reported incidence were hand foot and mouth disease,other infectious diarrhea,hepatitis B,tuberculosis and syphilis.The death cases reported were mainly AIDS,tuberculosis and rabies.As classified by the transmission route analysis,intestinal infectious diseases accounted for 49% of the total incidence reported for the year,followed by the blood and sexually transmitted infectious diseases,respiratory infectious diseases,animal and vector borne infectious diseases.According to the pathogenic analysis,virus infectious diseases accounted for 68% of the total cases,higher than bacterial infectious diseases and animal-borne/vector-borne infectious diseases.In Shanghai,Zhejiang and Jiangsu,human infection with avian influenza A (H7N9) virus was emerging,as epidemic situation of measles,dengue fever and brucellosis were on the rise significantly nationwide,while the morbidity of infectious diseases decreased,namely pulmonary tuberculosis,hepatitis B among others.Morbidity of the top 5 provinces for notifiable infectious diseases were Hainan,Guangxi,Guangdong,Xinjiang and Zhejiang,respectively.Conclusion The proportion of laboratory confirmed cases among totals was still low in 2013.The morbidity of the infectious diseases was higher in western provinces and parts of south-eastern province,the mortality was higher in westem provinces.The emerging human infection with avian influenza A (H7N9) virus,and the high epidemic of measles,dengue fever and brucellosis in some areas had caught the society concerns.

Epidemiology and Health ; : e2014030-2014.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-721299


The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) operate infectious disease surveillance systems to monitor national disease incidence. Since 1954, Korea has collected data on various infectious diseases in accordance with the Infectious Disease Control and Prevention Act. All physicians (including those working in Oriental medicine) who diagnose a patient with an infectious disease or conduct a postmortem examination of an infectious disease case are obliged to report the disease to the system. These reported data are incorporated into the database of the National Infectious Disease Surveillance System, which has been providing web-based real-time surveillance data on infectious diseases since 2001. In addition, the KCDC analyzes reported data and publishes the Infectious Disease Surveillance Yearbook annually.

Humans , Autopsy , Communicable Diseases , Incidence , Korea
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health ; : 259-264, 2007.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-104950


Effective communicable disease surveillance systems are the basis of the national disease prevention and control. Following the increase in emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases since late 1990s, the Korean government has strived to enhance surveillance and response system. Since 2000, sentinel surveillance, such as influenza sentinel surveillance, pediatric sentinel surveillance, school-based sentinel surveillance and ophthalmological sentinel surveillance, was introduced to improve the surveillance activities. Electronic reporting system was developed in 2000, enabling the establishment of national database of reported cases. Disweb, a portal for sharing communicable disease information with the public and health care workers, was developed. In general, the survey results on usefulness and attributes of the system, such as simplicity, flexibility, acceptability, sensitivity, timeliness, and representa-tiveness, received relatively high recognition. Compared to the number of paid cases of national health insurance, reported cases by national notifiable disease surveillance system, and various sentinel surveillance system, the result of the correlation analysis was high. According to the research project conducted by KCDC, the reporting rate of physicians in 2004 has also greatly improved, compared with that in 1990s. However, continuous efforts are needed to further improve the communicable disease surveillance system. Awareness of physicians on communicable disease surveillance system must be improved by conducting education and information campaigns on a continuous basis. We should also devise means for efficient use of various administrative data including cause of death statistics and health insurance. In addition, efficiency of the system must be improved by linking data from various surveillance system.

Humans , Communicable Diseases/epidemiology , Communication , Disease Notification/methods , Disease Outbreaks , Korea , Public Health Informatics/organization & administration , Sentinel Surveillance
Inf. epidemiol. SUS ; 9(2): 67-86, abr.-jun. 2000. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, SES-SP | ID: lil-283345


Este trabalho teve como objeto a exploração das potencialidades do Sistema de Informações Hospitalares - SIH/SUS na vigilância epidemiológica e monitoramento de doenças de notificação compulsória. Os Estados e Regiões do Brasil constituíram a área de estudo, sendo os dados, coletados do SIH/SUS, relativos a internações por doenças de notificação compulsória, do período de 1984 a 1998, e provenientes do Centro Nacional de Epidemiologia-CENEPI, de 1980 a 1997. As patologias foram agregadas quanto à necessidade de internação e quanto à distribuição por Estados e Regiões do país. Os resultados da classificação dos Estados segundo as quatro maiores freqüências absolutas de internações e notificações e a comparação entre a notificação e número de internações de acordo com a necessidade de internamento da patologia, mostraram uma grande coerência entre os dados do CENEPI e do SIH. Concluiu-se que o SIH/SUS tem uma grande agilidade na obtenção dos dados e uma boa capacidade para o monitoramento das patologias analisadas, podendo assim ser uma importante fonte complementar para vigilância das doenças de notificação compulsória.

The objective of this paper was to explore the potentialities of the Hospital Information System - SIH/SUS for epidemiologic surveillance and monitoring of Notifiable Diseases. The states and regions of Brazil constituted the study area. Data relative to hospital admittances for Notifiable Diseases, during the period from 1984 to 1998, was obtained from the SIH/SUS and data from the National Center of Epidemiology - CENEPI, during the period from 1980 to 1997. Data bases were linked by pathologies, hospital admittances and by place of occurrence - distributed for states and regions of the country. The results of the classification of the states according to the four larger absolute frequencies of admittances and reports and the comparison between the reports and the number of admittances according to the need of admittances for the pathologies, showed a high level of coherence between CENEPI and SIH data. It was concluded that SIH/SUS has a great agility in obtaining the data and shows a good capacity for monitoring the analyzed pathologies, being an important complementary source of information for surveillance of Notifiable Diseases.

Humans , Male , Female , Disease Notification , Hospital Information Systems , Epidemiological Monitoring
Inf. epidemiol. SUS ; 9(2): 137-162, abr.-jun. 2000. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, SES-SP | ID: lil-283349


Analisaram-se as doenças de notificaçäo compulsória (DNC) cuja característica é a tranmissäo de pessoa a pessoa: AIDS, meningite(meingocócica, tuberculosa), tuberculose pulmonar, hanseníase, síifilis congênita e hepatites(A e B). As fontes de dados foram: Sistemas de Internaçöes Hospitalares (SIH/-SUS) (internaçöes) e Centro Nacional de Epidemiologia-CENEPI (notificaçöes) analisadas por regiöes e estados. Observou-se coerência entre os dados do CENEPI e SIH para Aids, com um sobre-internamento provavelmente mais por reinternaçöes que por subnotificaçöes. A sífilis congênita apresentou razäo de internaçäo maior que 1 no período analisado, havendo mudança em 1997. Os dados de tuberculose pulmonar e hanseníase foram analisados mais detalhadamente, tendo-se observado o total de pacientes cronificados. A exclusäo definiu os casos novos. Destacou-se o peso da prática de dispensarizaçäo no país. As meningites apresentaram resultados diferentes, conforme sua etiologia: meningite menigocócica com comportamento semelhante para internaçäo e notificaçäo, a meningite tuberulosa apresentando internaçöes inferiores às notificaçöes sugerindo imprecisäo da informaçäo gerada. A análise das hepatites a partir do SIH/SUS apresentou dificuldades. Concluiu-se pela potencialidade do SIH/SUS como sistema complementar na Vigilância e Monitoramento das DNC de transmissäo entre pessoas, particularmente se adotadas as proposiçöes apontadas no estudo

Notifiable Diseases characterized by person-to-person transmission such as: Aids, meningitis (meningococcal, tuberculous), pulmonary tuberculosis, leprosy, congenital syphilis and hepatitis (A and B), were analyzed. Data from the Hospital Information System - SIH/SUS (admittances) and National Center of Epidemiology-CENEPI (case reports), were used as sources of information and were analyzed by regions and states. Coherence was observed between the data of CENEPI and SIH for AIDS, however, over-admittances were detected, probably due to re-admittances rather than underreporting. Congenital syphilis presented a ratio of admittances greater than one in the analyzed period, changing in 1997. Data for pulmonary tuberculosis and leprosy were analyzed in more detail, by determining the total number of admittances of chronical patients. Their exclusion, defined new cases. It was detached the weight of the practices of hospital for chronic patients in the country. For meningitis, different results were obtained, according to the etiology: Similar patterns for admittances and reporting were observed for meningococcal meningitis while discordant results were detected for tuberculous meningitis, wich showed inferior number of admittances compared to cases reports, suggesting imprecision of the generated information. Difficulties for the analysis of hepatitis using data from SIH/SUS were identified. SIH/SUS has potenciality as a complementary source for surveillance and monitoring of notifiable person-to-person transmitted diseases, particularly if the proposed suggestions pointed out in the study are considered.

Tuberculosis, Pulmonary , Meningitis, Meningococcal , Disease Notification , Syphilis, Congenital , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome , Hospital Information Systems , Tuberculosis, Meningeal , Epidemiological Monitoring , Hepatitis A , Hepatitis B , Leprosy